Online program

The programme consists of 6 courses that would offer a candidate an insight into all the aspects of insurance and reinsurance that they would come across in their daily work. The courses are designed to show the practical application as far as possible of the principles behind insurance and reinsurance.

How to access the courses?

Course structure

- Each course will include a workbook and an online course with a final comprehensive test of some 50 questions.

- The candidate would need to achieve a success rate of 80% to pass.

- On passing all courses in the series, they will be issued with a certificate.

See an example

What are trainees
going to learn?

Understanding - The understanding series

The “Understanding” courses will cover 6 (re)insurance topics:

  • Reinsurance
  • Short Tail business
  • Long Tail business
  • Marine business
  • Reinsurance Accounting
  • Claims

Understanding - A synopsis of our on-line courses

Click the + button to know more about each course.

Understanding reinsurance

This course would cover the history of insurance and reinsurance, main types and forms of reinsurance, contract wordings, accounting practice, pricing and statistical concepts behind reinsurance. It would also include examples to cement all the concepts.

Understanding short tail business

The objective of this course is that the participant should have a very sound understanding of the principles and practice of Short Tail business and a full description of the course coverage can be obtained by contacting LSI at the email given below

Understanding long tail business

The objective of this course is that the participant should have a very sound understanding of the principles and practice of Long Tail business and a full description of the course coverage can be obtained by contacting LSI at the email given below.

Understanding marine business

The objective of this course is that the participant should have a very sound understanding of the principles and practice of Marine business and a full description of the course coverage can be obtained by contacting LSI at the email given below.

Understanding reinsurance accounting

The objective of this course is that the participant should have a very sound understanding of the principles and practice of Reinsurance Accounting and a full description of the course coverage can be obtained by contacting LSI at the email given below.

Understanding claims

The objective of this course is that the participant should have a very sound understanding of the principles and practice of managing Claims and a full description of the course coverage can be obtained by contacting LSI at the email given below.

On demand courses

Our online programmes are available for employers or other sponsors who wish to offer training for a group of a minimum of 15 candidates enrolled in all 6 courses. We are however flexible and can offer smaller groups or less courses if required at a minimum fee.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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